Out Sourcing Best Practice

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Cloud Migration done right

Cloud Migration done right

Lessons on How Juniper Networks made the switch in the cloud and what you can learn Its time for the CIO community to take notice of the benefits that some technology can bring their businesses. Take advantage of lessons learned from those that are ahead of the game....

Is Interim Management Dead

Is Interim Management Dead

Is the market changing the way that we engage and work with the use of Interim Management? In an age of business disruption, where there are no certainties - as macro forces combine to place intense pressure on organisations across the spectrum - there is a necessity...

Is contracting the future

Is contracting the future

Is tech turning contract work into the future of employment? The big difference, is there's a shift towards work as a transaction versus a relationship. Not only do business want work done in small pieces, but a consuming audience wants to do that. Businesses are...

Global Employers choose consultants

Global Employers choose consultants

Over 70% of global employers now use contractors to help fill IT skills shortages Companies hired contractors most often for development solutions and infrastructure service, the report found — two areas in which the technical requirements shift rapidly and require...

What happened to BYOD and CYOD

What happened to BYOD and CYOD

Whatever happened to BYOD and do we need to worry? If you ask an 18-year-old if a smartphone is a selling point of a job and they'll laugh at you. People are used to choice outside the workplace and they want choice in the enterprise. If you give people an iPhone,...

Future is 5G mobility

Future is 5G mobility

5G is coming and it is the future of mobile In 5G, SDN/NFV concepts will be pushed much further, returning to the original value proposition, namely that of enabling true architectural innovation. In 5G, it will not simply be about virtualizing the network functions,...

Cloud predictions 2016

Cloud predictions 2016

IEEE predicts better-performing cheaper Cloud Services in 2016 No single trend stands alone — rather, they are all interwoven, with one fuelling the other. All of the trends interlock, 5G, Network Function Virtualisation, and Software Containers — many of them...

10 common CIO pit falls

10 common CIO pit falls

10 common mistakes CIOs can fall prey to There was a time when, upon being appointed CIO, the IT professional had reached the apex of their career. That time is passing. A new breed of CIO has been born, one for whom the word ‘Chief’ in their job title is more...

CIOs benefiting from Interims

CIOs benefiting from Interims

4 key objectives CIOs can benefit from using Interims to deliver less politics, and more action Interim skills are often used as a means to this end as a quick injection of high visibility change or transformation especially where a CIO has brought an interim in to...

Request For Solution

Request For Solution

CIOs Seeking Innovation – Should the RFP process be replaced by the innovative RFS? Ultimately, clients struggle to articulate their requirements and providers struggle to articulate their value proposition – the result is a lose/lose proposition. The art of really...

In or Out Sourcing

In or Out Sourcing

IN or OUT?  The Shape of IT Outsourcing in 2015 The full Survey report on more than 3,000 CIOs and Technology leaders that were surveyed on their views on IT Outsourcing in 2015 since the recession of 2008 can be downloaded and read here. [et_bloom_locked...

Outsourcing and As-A-Service

Outsourcing and As-A-Service

Outsourcing is on life support, with many BPO providers failing to invest in As-a-Service The reason why BPO struggled with their identity was because outsourcing, by and large, has really always been about people. It’s hard to change processes, drive common standards...

Taming the Internet of Threats

Taming the Internet of Threats

Internet Security continues to plague us with relevations of expanding Malware introduced through advertising on the internet If you want to read the report from Cyphort Labs that shows a dramatic rise in the amount of malware sent through advertising, known as...

European Outsourcing Project of the Year

European Outsourcing Project of the Year

Miratech Wins EOA’s European IT Outsourcing Project of the Year Award As a key sponsor Miratech’s CEO Valeriy Kutsyy invited a number of its UK partners to attend the NOA National Outsourcing Association event in London on 19th November 2015 to celebrate what’s been a...

Cloud Comparison Index

Cloud Comparison Index

The ISG Technology Insights Group Launches the Cloud Comparison Index™ The Study Shows that usage really does matter; That is Public Cloud is not always cheaper depending on what it is that you are using the services for. Interestingly the price differential among...

Cloud Complexity

Cloud Complexity

Is Cloud complexity still hiding behind a pretty face? Cloud services may be easy to deploy and easy to use, but integrating them into the business requires a range of core skills that companies underestimate at their peril, States John Leonard from Computing - Nov...

Tech Drives M&A More than Ever

Tech Drives M&A More than Ever

Technology Business Management Drives M&A The biggest challenge in M&A, is achieving that common language, and this requires a rapid adoption of TBM principles, knowing what is being spent in both organisations, and how they align. Achieving the desired...

Corporate Boardroom Tech Challenge

Corporate Boardroom Tech Challenge

Are Chairpersons Preparing their Boards for Technology Readiness Sadly today too many executive board members fear that word - Technology - it's associated with spending budgets. Boards should be looking for Commercial Technology leaders, not CTO's to sit on their...

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